WWW is an organisation, working from the base, that organises itself at different levels, with the intention that these levels be a point of coordination for common actions. The basic structure of World without Wars is the “base teams” that develop their activities in neighbourhoods, schools, universities, workplaces, the internet, etc.
1. Members and participation
Participation is open to everybody without discrimination. Any person who coincides with the basic objectives of World without Wars will be able to integrate into the organization, joining as a full member, active member or a supporter, and collaborate with planned activities, participate in training sessions, and promote new actions.
Full members: participate in meetings and take responsibility for their own growth, building their own capacities through the personal work that WwW promotes. Full members have the right to vote in the various levels, they are invited to do so and may present themselves in elections of different levels. They also initiate the development and formation of new Base Teams without geographical limitations. Full members are those who economically sustain WwW.Active members: participate in meetings, the drive growth through training on the basis of the personal works promoted by WwW. Active members have the right to vote in consultations but not in organisational matters.
Supporting members: receive information, participate in activities and collaborate with the development.
2. Basic organisation
When a group of people agrees to set in motion WwW activities, meet periodically and go deeper into the practice and study of nonviolence in the personal and social fields then we are in the presence of a primary base organisation that we call a “WwW Promotion Group” (PG).
When these promotion groups reach a minimal development (approximately 10 full members between full and active members, with a minimum of one full member), achieve permanence in their meetings, and choose one of their members to fulfill the team’s coordination functions through direct election, they become constituted as a WwW base team.
The WwW base teams can generate links to other groups and organisations in their environments (interchange, joint actions and collaboration), but without establishing any organisational relationship with them. From their beginning, WwW teams or base groups set in motion three basic mechanisms or functions:
Growth: they orientate their actions towards individuals, towards other networks and organisations with the objective of making their proposals and tools known.
Communication: they maintain fluid communication and interchange with other base teams and with other organisations with affinity to their objectives.
Training: they attend to the progressive capacity-building of their members; offering them tools for overcoming internal and external violence. These studies and practices are to be found in detail in the official materials.
3. Coordination in different levels (national, worldwide)
Worldwide coordination is the responsibility of the “WwW World Coordination Team” (WCT), which is made up of 12 members and chosen through direct vote of the full members of WwW around the world every two years.
The composition of the WCT bears in mind the representation of ethnic, cultural and regional minorities.
The WCT has responsibilities of general worldwide coordination and can propose joint actions of various amplitudes and scope.
The tasks of the World Coordination Team are:
Coordination of joint actions
World information to the Base Groups (international bulletin)
Official website (international web page in different languages in which the official materials and all the necessary worldwide information can be found)
Official international releases
Relations with other organisations at a worldwide level
Admission of organisations or fronts that act at a regional or worldwide level who wish to incorporate themselves as “supporters” of WwW.
Any proposal or action that includes the modification of the official materials or important organisational aspects of WwW must be subject to a direct vote by all full members.
National coordination is the responsibility of the “WwW National Coordination Team” (NCT), made up of 12 members, chosen through a direct vote by the full members of WwW in each country, every two years. It carries out the functions of the WCT at a national level.
4. Economy
WwW sustains itself through the voluntary contribution of its members. An annual membership fee is paid to sustain the joint activities with the participation of all full members around the world.
Anyone may become a full member at any time on payment of the annual membership fee.
The amount to be collected is defined by the National Coordination Team taking as a basis a percentage of the average salary of the country in question.
The money is distributed in a proportional manner between the base teams, national coordination teams and the worldwide coordination team according to the proportion defined by the World Coordination Team.
In addition, other monies may be occasionally collected based on needs that may arise, in which full members and supporters may participate in a voluntary manner.
The amount of money in those occasions may never exceed the annual membership fee.
5. Institutional aspects
WwW is constituted at an international level as a non-profit making Federation.
In accordance with the degree of development and growth of WwW in each country and with the aim of facilitating the development of the objectives in its relationships with the environment, teams tend to legalise themselves as “non-profit making association” (or however the name may be in each country).
The statues or articles of association of these organisations will reflect an organisational model and principles identical to those proposed in the official organisational materials at a worldwide level.
(1) See the definition of WAR in, The Dictionary of New Humanism, Collected Works, Vol. II, by Silo (2) Silo, 4th letter to my friends, Collected Works, Vol. I (3) Silo, 4th letter to my friends, Collected Works, Vol. I (4) Silo, 3rd Letter to my friends, point 8, “Reaching All of Society Starting with One’s Immediate Environment”, Collected Works, Vol. I. (5) Silo, 10th Letter to my friends, Collected Works. Vol. I. (6) Silo. Humanise the Earth, Collected Works, Vol. I (7) Instructions for affiliations can be found on the website: https://worldwwars.org/