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What is the WCT?

The World Coordination Team (WCT) of WWWV is a working camp at the service of the whole that needs members with a certain availability and a positive and creative attitude.

In these two years of work we have had 10 virtual meetings. What we can say in the form of quick notes of work experience at that time is:

            – That you need availability to implement and be able to perform the overall function of the WCT.

            – That it is an area of work and service to the whole and not a place where you can express only one opinion. Of course, opinions are necessary but more interested in the work applied.

            – For a better communication between the members of the WCT it is recommended to speak in addition to their own language one of the three official languages (English, French, Spanish, French).

            – We believe that it is necessary to generate more connection mechanisms between the WCT and the rest of the members of the WWWV to be more in touch. This is something to deepen.

            – The WCT is not a field of orientation, but of coordination, exchange of information and impulse of initiatives from the core teams; it is also a space for the synchronization of activities.

            – It is important that the WCTis responsible for processing WWWV’s positions on world events, especially those most appropriate to its international profile.

The maintenance of the international WEB, the elaboration of notes and bulletins, the maintenance of mailing lists and meetings of the WWWV on an almost monthly basis and periodic releases, seem to us to be the main axes of the work of the WWWV.

Election Mechanism

At international level (election of the World Coordination Team)

We are addressing candidates of all ages and geographical backgrounds.

As in previous elections, there can be no more than three elected by the same country and we aspire to have members from every continent in the WTC.

To avoid a concentration of votes on the best known people, each full member can express up to 6 preferences.

In the electoral count, the first elected members will be the most voted by continent where they are presented to us. In order to ensure that the representatives of each continent with the candidates. once this aspect is covered, the following elected members will be elected correlatively by number of votes obtained up to complete 12 members. 

In the event of a tie between several candidates in position 12, all those who are in tie will be included in the WCT.

National level (election of the national coordination group)

We maintain the obligation to hold national elections when in a country there are at least 3 basic teams formed. Even if this condition is not met, we leave it to the full members of the country to decide, by consensus, whether it is convenient to have some common minimum functions (website, newsletter, reports or other). These functions can be decided by the self-presentation of the available people.

If elections are held at national level, the coordinators of the core team will be assigned an electoral coordination team which will have the task of setting in motion the entire mechanism for holding elections in that country.

How to apply for the WCT

Any full member who does not participate in another organism of the Humanist Movement can present himself as a candidate for the WCT. Therefore, by September 30, you must send to the list of full members a short presentation text accompanied by a photo of yourself in JPG format, explaining the reasons why you are applying and the contribution you intend to make to the WCT, according to your virtues and abilities.

Please note that being a candidate for WCT is not to be a representative of your country.

This presentation will be in the language of the candidate and are required at least translations into English, French and Spanish and, optionally, into other languages.  In principle, each candidate will be responsible for these translations, but if necessary, may ask the WCT for help.

Once received, applications will be published on the international WCT website.

How to vote for the WCT

All members will receive a new user name and password at the email addresses indicated in the census forms.  With this username and password you can access the international website where you will find internal documents, a forum and pages for voting and referendums.  Only full members can vote in WCT member elections.

To vote in the WCT elections:

            – Enter the international website (http://www.worldwithoutwars.org) using the username and password you previously submitted.

            – Go to the election page 

            – Choose up to 6 candidates.

            – Send your vote (click on the “Vote” button).

More information:

            – In case of difficulty there is a help on the right side of the page.

            – If you want to change your votes before the end of the election, you can do so using the same procedure described above.

If you do not receive your username and password at the address given, please write to: info@worldwithoutwars.org

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